Foods that Pregnant Women should Avoid

Pregnant women usually take their condition as an excuse to splurge and eat anything they want. People take extra effort to care for a pregnant woman by buying a maternity belly band or a pregnancy belly band that a woman can use as her tummy grows. Maternity bands can offer great protection and support especially at a time when the pregnant woman is already having a hard time carrying the baby inside her womb.

It is also quite typical for people to give in to the caprices of a pregnant woman as the way to show their undying love and support. However it also matters to know that there are things that should never be given to a pregnant woman as it may be a reason for some problems to arise.

Here are some of the foods that a pregnant woman should really avoid:

  • Junk foods are not good for an ordinary person so a pregnant woman has more reasons to avoid it.
  • Never eat raw or uncooked meat as this will increase one’s chance of ingesting E-coli bacteria.
  • Foods that usually contain raw eggs like mayonnaise or Caesar’s dressing may be contaminated with Salmonella.
  • Avoid sea foods that contain high levels of mercury in their fatty tissues like swordfish and king mackerel. Mercury is very harmful for baby’s development and may cause brain defects.
  • Avoid foods that were possibly contaminated by industrial pollutants as this can decrease the baby’s IQ.

It may not be that easy to simply disregard the whims of the woman who carries your child in her womb but if you know what’s best for your wife and your baby, then convincing her and becoming firm with your stand to give her the foods that will be best for her shouldn’t be much of a problem.