The Role of the Husband during Pregnancy

Women who are pregnant are probably experiencing a whirlwind of emotions because of their pregnancy. It would be easy for them to feel delighted because of the fulfilment of their womanhood but there are also times when they are bothered not only with their looks but also due to the tendency of the people around her to focus the attention to the baby in spite of her obvious needs.

A pregnant woman can suddenly have some emotional upsurge and during these times the best person to help her overcome it is the husband. Pregnancy is a woman’s thing but it is definitely a family matter and of course a man just needs to be involved with the pregnancy in any way possible.

  • Accompany her to buy good maternity clothes and pregnancy accessories like a maternity support belt or a pregnancy belly band.
  • Give her treats. A pregnant woman usually has some cravings and it would really make her feel great if you’ll provide her with foods that she really wants.
  • Do your share of household chores. It’s hard to move around when you’re carrying too much weight around your tummy even with a belly band and it will surely be appreciated if you’ll have the initiative to do some of the household chores for them.
  • Give her a massage. Pregnancy is often accompanied with body aches and pains and it will really be a great relief if you’ll lend your magic touch to ease her discomforts.
  • Find intimate moments together. Never let her feel that she is unwanted. Reassure her with your love through gestures and sweet words and for sure she’ll feel more confident and happy about your relationship.

Pregnancy should be a joint project of a man and a woman. Never let your wife fell all by herself at a very sensitive stage. As a husband you’ll be the best person to assure her that there is no reason to be worried because you will be there by her side no matter what.

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